क्या आप टेढ़े मेढे दांतों से परेशान हैं? जानिये क्यों कम उम्र में ब्रेसेस लगवाने चाहिए?
क्या आपके जबड़े छोटे-बड़े आकर के है? क्या आपके दांत टेढ़े मेढे हैं? इस तरह की समस्या को orthodontic प्रॉब्लम कहते है| यह प्रॉब्लम बच्चो और बड़ो दोनों में पायी जाती है| अतः ब्रेसेस का इस्तेमाल दांतों को सही आकर देने के लिए किया जाता है ताकि दांतों का सही

Living with Dental Braces
Dental Braces are the wire-based appliance, which comes in use to correct the shape of teeth. Basically, dental braces come in use for treating the problem of crowded teeth. Basically, braces are used for orthodontic treatment. For the overbite, crooked teeth, gum diseases, tooth decay, incorrect positions of the jaw,

History of Dental Braces!
Dental Braces are very useful appliances for the maintenance of teeth. To keep your smile always healthy, you can use braces. Braces are helpful to treat not only teeth problems, but they are good for jaws too. There are many people, who applied dental braces for keeping the shape in

Types of Braces
Dental Brace is a kind of wired appliances used for teeth to stabilize them in shape. Dental Braces are of several kinds. These types are made to set up the alignment of teeth. Every type of dental braces is suggested to the patients according to the condition of their teeth.

How do braces work to straighten your teeth?
Overview Dental braces are external devices used by dentists to straighten out crowded teeth and align teeth that are displaced from their original position or have grown uncertainty and haphazardly. These braces help fill in the gaps between teeth which may have been caused due to irregular growth. It’s always

Invisible Braces Benefits, Types and How does it work?
Invisible braces are more helpful than traditional braces and transparent braces as it is virtually effortless. It is important for a heartfelt and genuine smile. An attractive smile makes everyone feel much better, relaxed and make the right impression while socializing or in professional life. These invisible braces are made